jueves, 17 de diciembre de 2015


 A rural landscape or country side is a geographic area thta is located outside towns and cities.

The image shows a relief characterized by plains.
Thye vegetation in this area is grassland, with some bushes and trees. There are dry farming crops.

 In the pictore we couldn´t see any river, lake, waterfall etc. But, it is still a wet landscape.
According to all of these, the climate of this location could be a lot of sun and lots of rain too.

  With regard to the land uses and activities we can say that it is a dry farming, with a monoculture crop varietuy.
The predominant use of the land will probably be agriculture. A secunedary use of the land could be castle raising.
In addition, the landscape shows a bocage field ahnd a nucleated settlement pattern.

Some of the problems of the rural areas are people moving to cities, low population in villages that would create economic crisis and more problems to the place. also, the lack of services such us health care, schools, communications etc, generates a big problem for the population.

 Among the measures that can be applied we can propose a interest o creating more services so people will be happier and have a better lilve wich means they would not want to leave.

                                                                       Sofía Carpintero.

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