jueves, 21 de enero de 2016



Salamanca is a city situated at the north west of Spain.
In this city the type of pattern is very radiocentric, not straight streets and surrounded by a wall because it is a city who developped in the middle ages and the city started to enlarge iat the beginning of the XX century.
So the city is built around the old historical centre. It started when they built working class neighborhoods around because most of the people worked in the field, agriculture etc.

Suburbs and the inner suburbs have an orthogonal type of plan.
The main areas have lots of renaissance buildings and other artist style of the city is the baroque.

beacause of the streets (mostly in the centre of the city) follow and irregular plan, streets are short and narrow and thin wich make difficult the traffic and countribute to the pollution

It is identified by rests of wall. It has an irregular plan of thin streets, with courtyards . The square acts as the core of the city leading to the main streets. Highlight the most important areas as the Old Cathedral in Romanesque and Gothic styles and the New Cathedral Late Gothic Renaissance and Baroque styles, the two of them are the most important because of their decoratrion, heigh and the position where they were built. The whole city is grouped into neighborhoods or guilds.

The main problems of the old town is suffering deteriorating housing of the main roads , the eldery society, the use of vehicles and narrow and tortuous streets.

the main streets have managed to become major roads like Calle Toro. This remodeling of the city is caused by a real estate boom between 20-30 years with the migration to the city of the people. These new channels are used for the buissness sector and residential areas in the middle, though news residences in the city are also made , leading to the expansion of the Salamanca arean. Widening problems are the shortage of public transport, aging population and housing areas without services such as lift and built with poor materials. 

SOLUTIONS: Installation financing and rehabilitation services by the town hall towards the citizens .

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