domingo, 14 de febrero de 2016


1.Who is Wall-e? 

Wall-e is a old robot that works in the earth now inhabitable recycling wastes in order to make it livebable again. It is a member of an army of robots designed to put the garbage of Earth in bloks.
He is smart and have feelings.

2. How would you describe the place he lives in?

The place where he lives was a big city wich now is debasted, because of the pollution and the greenhouse effect now is imposible the human live there, theres wastes and garbage for all over the place and it,s very hot so there´s no plants or animals.

3. Where do you think all those wastes came from? 

This wastes come from humans, because this movie is ambientated in the future, the movie wants to show what will happen if we keep hurting our planet, 

4.Where are all the humans? Why did they have to leave Earth?

All the humans are now living in space, they had to levae Earth because they destroy the planet, air and water is contaminated and it was impossible to keep living there.

5. What do Humans look like?

They look extremely fat.

6. How has their lifestyle affected their bodies?

Because they don´t move and only eat fast food their body has developped into a big ball of fat with short feet and arms and very amall fingersmake them nearly impossible to get up and walk.

7. What are human relationships like?

They do not interact wich each other anymore. They pass they time looking at a screen and don´t caring about the things around them.

8. What are human-machine relationships like?

In the movie machines and robots have taken cthe control, robots do more human things that the own persons.

9. What´s the name of the company that appears in commercials throughout the movie?

Buy and large is the name of the company who has all the power, everythings belongs to it.
They are large corporations that show how some people let consumerism govern run their lives.

10. Why does it name appear in the president´s podium?

because the president was the boss of Buy and Large, wich means the company has more power that politics.

11. What do broken robots symbolized?

They are not broken, they are robots wich want to change things, stand in other ways. Broken robots represent people who think different.

12. Why does the computer try to avoid te humans retourn to eath?

because robots have now all the power and control but with the retourning to Earth humans will relise and change that making themselves again the powerfull.

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