jueves, 26 de mayo de 2016


 1. Do some research and explain the origin of the North Korean Communist Regime.

The history of North Korea began with the partition of Korea at the end of World War II in 1945.
From 1910 to the end of World War II, Korea was under Japanese rule. Most Koreans were peasants enganged in subsistence farming. In the 1930s, Japan developed mines, hydro-electric dams, steel mills, and manufacturing plants in northern Korea and neighboring Manchuria. The Korean industrial working class expanded rapidly, and many Koreans went to work in Manchuria. As a result, 65% of Korea's heavy industry was located in the north, but, due to the harshness of the terrain, only 37% of its agricultura.
2. Find three recent news about North Korea from different digital sources and include the links to them.

-Kim Jong-un accepting American aid packages despite vow to 'destroy entire US territory' Source: The telegraph
-How Japan nabbed a N.Korean agent it couldn’t charge with spying Source: NK NEWS
-North Korea May Roll Out Rocket System With Greater Reach, South Says Source: NYTimes

3. What are the names of the North Korean leaders mentioned in the documentary? Who is the current leader of the country?

  • Kim Jong-un
    Supreme Leader
  • Kim Jong-il

  • Ex supreme leader

    Ex supreme leader

    4. What are the instruments used by these leaders to maintain this dictatorial regime?

    The main instrument used is the fear. They make people be afraid of what would happen if they do not follow the dictatorial regime.

    5. What's the meaning of the word "gulag"? What does it come from? Is there anything similar in NK?
    GULAG is an acronym to refer to the Directorate General of labor camps.
    It was officially established as an institution of the entire Soviet Union and as a major management OGPU, the Soviet secret police, on April 25, 1930 as the ulag by the OGPU order 130/63 in accordance with the order of Sovnarkom 22, p. 248, dated April 7, 1930, and was renamed in November Gulag.
    6. According to the video, what are the main characteristics of a dictatorship?
    No freedom for the citizens

    7. Compare the life of a North Korean family with your own. In addition, try to describe the life of a North Korean teenager of your same age.

    There is a big different between a North Korean family and me, we don't live with fear. For a teenager living there it must very difficult, since you are small you are forcé to work very hard and  learning how to battle against americans, how to be `passive, don´t having your own ideas, the quit you the freedom to fight for you rights as a person.

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