miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2016

Did God really help the English defeat the Spanish Armada?

Information taken of:
1. This is an extract from a letter to the English government which gives details about the progress of the Armada.

  • How useful do you think this information would be to the English government?
                    It would be very important because it says a lot of information of the armada like the number of soldiers, the great shippers etc

  • Why were there more soldiers than sailors?
                     Because they wanted to invate Great Britain, and the soldiers were the ones who can fight, the sailors do not.
2. This is a report from Lord Howard of Effingham, the Admiral of the English fleet.

  • How do you think the news that the Spanish Armada had been sighted was able to reach Lord Howard so quickly when he was at Plymouth, over a hundred miles away?
Because of the wind and the well directioned wind

            Why do you think Howard complained to Walsingham about the wind?
                   Because, as he said, the wind turned very hard make difficult to sail.

        • Howard says that the Spanish fleet was ‘soe strong’. What made it strong?
              They had 30000 soldiers, 130 sips, 3000 fire guns and more tan 130000 canon ball, this, compared with the deffense that Great britain had (no soldiers, just sailors) the spanish fleet was super strong.

        4. An extract from a Spanish captain’s account of the events. He had survived after being shipwrecked on the Irish coast and was then interrogated by the English, but eventually returned home to Spain.
        • The English celebrated their victory with a medal saying ‘God Blew and they were Scattered’ – how would the Spanish have explained their defeat?
        A sucession of several bad events made that the Navy lost a large majority of their boats.
        • If you could change one thing to give the Spanish a better chance of winning what would it be and why?
        I think it was a question of luck, they planned everything and were well preparated and equipated, so i would just give them betrter luck for not to fall in all of those misfortunes.
        • Why was it a good thing that the Spanish plans were stopped?
        In the perspective of the english population it was a good think beacuse if they did not stopped they would have conquered them..
        • The Spanish Armada fought the English fleet for two days without losing any ships. What happened next that changed this?
        That the weather changed and the english people took them into the port were they send them some burning boats and attacked wich made the army lose lots of ships.


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        1. Try to keep the margins straight and the same hierarchy in questions and answers. Add the link to the activity that include the historical sources.
