miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2016


I: Today we´re are here to talk with a pikeman of The Tercios of Spain. Hello Mr. Pikeman!

P: Good morning, i´m glad to be here.

I: Let´s start, how would you define the tercios?

P: We were a perfect combination of the different military units of the time, formed by veteran soldiers and errands, most of the times, by good officers. Besides, we were not mercenaries on the payroll, we were men of honor, loyal to their king and united by a fervent Catholic faith.

I: Why do you think you were that well know in all Europe?

P: Well...everything was motivated to the troops in the field of battle, what united to ours victories created us a great reputation in all Europe.

I: In your opinion, why did Carlos V created the Tercios?

P: In my opinion, Carlos V created the Tercios to solve the administrative problem of managing his military instrument: The ever increasing number of loose companies he needed to defend his vassals, first of the French and then against the Turks

I: That´s very interesting! Can you explain us what was the strategy that made you so famous?

P: Specifically, the strategy that made us gain a gap in time was simple but effective.First, the heavy mosquetos used to open fire.The harquebuses were later fired at a short distance, and then the great mass of pikemans, advancing neatly into a frame, formed an iron barrier, lowering their long spikes pointing at the attacking troops.

I: So what was specifficaly the job of the pikemans?

P:When the enemies arrived,we raised our arms and...

I: Oh, your arms, that´s something that i really want you to talk about.

P: it is very simpy, the pica, is an extensive spear of between four and six meters with which stopped the advance of the cavalry and attacked the enemy soldiers who fought on foot.

I:How would you describe the Tercios soldiers? In a general way.

P:The soldier of the Tercios was admired and feared. And we knew it. We were also cocky and quarrelsome and at the slightest chance they used the steel to "clarify" their differences. In this they were also highly respected throughout Europe, the "Spanish dexterity" with the ropera sword and the left hand dagger was well known.

I: All of you were proud of being a part of the Tercios?

P: Everyone, We were very loyal of our loved king.

I: Talk to us about the clothes you must wore.

P:The Tercios were not characterized in their first stage to have a concrete uniform.

I: But, how you diffenced yourselves between the enemy then?

P: Oh because one of the few distinctions that the soldiers took to distinguish themselves from the enemy was a small red band on the arm, a color also used by the us, I mean, the pikemens, to line the horn of their arms. This attire remained approximately until the SXVII, at which time a color for the coatings of some Tercios was regulated.

I: Ok, last but not least, how do the Tercios army ´died´?

P: We ´died´ at the hands of Philip V, who dissolved us and turned us into regiments that had the "less loose" captains more controlled by a more centralized command.

I: Thank you so much for your time.

P: Thank you for having me.

2 comentarios:

  1. Choose a name for your interviewee and be careful when using a translator, you need to revise verbs, and words that are literally translated such as "arms" instead of weapons or "spikes" instead of pikes.

  2. ...and cite your source of information at the end on both interviews including the link to the articles.
