miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2016


1-What features animism define the believes of Sumba?    The features animism that define the believes of Sumba are the ones that are situated in their     houses. All their houses (made by Straw) have three floors; humans live in the middle floor, under them, the animals and on the top of the house live the spirits wich are called Marapu.  If we talk about the decorations of the houses, we know that they used animal bones like craniums.
The people from the tribu also think that everything in nature has its own essence.

2- Who is Ratu for the village?
   He is a sorcerer or chieftain and the inhabitants of Sumba usually call him the worm's priest because he can guess when the new year starts looking at the seaworm.

3-Which are the examples of dualism that appear on the video?
Men and women are divided but not only in their houses, they also have two entrances to the temple; one for male and aonther one for female. That is something that represents very good dualism (that says that there has to be two different sides as for example day and night). Another way they have to represent dualism is by having different nuts having the nut depending if you are a men or a women.

4-Explain the universal symbols that appear in the video and how they adapt to the believings of the village.
   They have a lot of symbols, for explample, they considerate the moon as a symbol because it reprents the cycle of days and nights. Another symbol could be that when someone died, they use a stone in order to keep him or her´s spirit with them. They also considerate the sun and the sky important symbols in their lives. But this aren´t the only ones, they also had a tree in the center of the village that represented the way that conected the Earth with heaven and also represents their enemies and the war.

5-Explain the symbols of the house, what parts they have and how they decorated them.
    Their houses were divided into three floors, the first one that was were they had their animals, the second floor that was when the people of the house lived, and finally, de third floor that was were the spirits lived.
  Talking about symbols, they used bones of animals, like craniums or horns, as decoration of their houses; they also used pictures of the animals that they considerated "spiritual animals".

6-Who is Marapu?
   Marapu was the name that the inhabitants of Sumba used for naming the spirits that lived around them.

7-Explain the symbolism of the loom and explain the drawing of Ikats.
   The drawings of the Ikats were made to represent the past of their village and their lands,spirits and  their horses (that were considerated one of the spiritual animals by the people)

8-How do the Sumba announce the new year?
   They beggining of the new year is said by the Ratu, who listens to the spirits. When the Ratu said thay the new year has become, the go to the sea in order to catch worms of sea. If there are a lot of worms of sea, that means that it is going to be a good year of good harvests and fertility, but if they don´t get a lot of them, they it means the opposite: it will be a bad year refering to the fertily ground.

9-Explain the symbolism of Pasola.
Pasola is a fight between to two rival clans that takes place in order to fertilice the ground with blood. The members of both clans fight on horseback, using picks in order to hurt the other. A good Pasola is that in which a lot of blood falls to the ground as it symbolises the fertilization of the ground (a good year). For this reason, the ratus won't stop the fight until a lot of blood is spilled , so they can ensure a good rice harvest.

10-How the Ratu tell the future of the village? 
   The Ratu can tell the village their future by looking at the intestines of the chickens, if they were twisted it symbolized a bad future, if they were well disposed, it meant a good future.

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