sábado, 25 de marzo de 2017


I believe there were ideological feelings and good purposes behind the independence of America, but, in my opinion, the Declaration of Independence was written mainly because of selfishness.
Bourgeoisie wanted power, and for that they needed the support of  the lower-class

Resultado de imagen de the declaration of independenceWhat evidences do we have to get to this statement? In first place, bourgeoisie always has been desirous of power, also, they had many reasons to promote a rebellion against England, such as the cut off of trade with the rest of the world, te monopolium of the tea merch and the big taxes. We can observe evidences of the trying of the upper-class to persuade lower-class in that grievances as well and in the Declaration of Independence. For example, it is important to standout that they were written by white and privilaged men, using an inspiring language to call all classes to rebellion and to wake up patriotic feelings. They do not say anything of the black people, women and slaves. However, this determination of the bourgeoisie to persuade lower-class might have been only the result of their desire of gaining power over the govermen. As a conclusion, I can tell that the reason of the writing of the Declaration of Independence is that priviladge classes needed the support of the lower-class to rebolt and this way gain control over goverments, and they got it.

1 comentario:

  1. Good job Sofía. Your thesis statement is clear and well argumented. Review the spelling of words, and some expressions.
